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*Oct 6*, Nov 3, Dec 1: Dances of Universal Peace in St. Paul

Please join Conie B and Adam Wolter for Sufi Dancing, a.k.a. the Dances of Universal Peace on the first Sunday of the month at the Twin Citi...


Points Of Light Music.  That's what I am.  And that's what you are.  A Point of Light vibrating out of the dark silence into the universe. 

We are living, breathing human flesh born with the ability to shine joy and share compassion. We often forget that.  I know I did, and occasionally still do.  Only with the support of others have I come to see and strengthen my own light.  It has been such a big overwhelming gift, too big to monetarily pay back, that I finally realized the only way was to give it to others.  To serve others in such a way that their light is uncovered, strengthened, and fully commissioned to do what light does.  Make the world brighter. 

Here at Points Of Light Music, we can help you unwrap the gift of you in a variety of ways.  Each of us are multi-dimensional people with varied bodies and lifestyles, music and aesthetic preferences, and attitudes about what is holy and how to deal with change.  We offer different modes of exploration in personal and communal settings.  You get to pick the intimacy level, direction and medium.
  • Full Voice Coaching: exploring the colors/elements/spices available to express yourself through the day.  Group and individual sessions available.
  • Group singing:  exploring our collective joy and shared compassion in various settings like hospice bedsides, prayer services, common causes, and just for fun.
  • Dances of Universal Peace:  group singing and movement events exploring the sacred traditions of the world, focusing on the Judeo-Christian experience
  • Labyrinths:  installing temporary "Listening Labs" for folks to reflect and experience mindfulness through walking
  • Doodling:  facilitating expressions of in-the-moment creations using live music and dancing, current inner and/or outer world events, or homemade coloring pages.
  • Spiritual Direction/Guide/Companioning:  (coming soon) making space for your shy, wild, true self to emerge through listening. 
  • Artist Organizer:  moving groups from challenge to solution using Open Space Technology, Technology of Participation, and Art of Hosting tools. 


Who is behind Points Of Light Music?

Conie Borchardt founded Points of Light Music in 2010 after leaving a nice stable full-time job to follow her entrepreneurial heart's desire to serve people more directly.  She describes herself as a Luth-opalian Sufi dancer (Lutheran childhood, Episcopal current work, with interfaith interests) because in her experience, G-d continually defies any definition.  As a descendent of Korean-German immigrants who farm the rich prairie of southern Minnesota previously stewarded by the Lower Sioux Dakota people since time immemorial, she is especially interested in shining a light on voices who are underrepresented and marginalized. 

Conie has been the recipient of a three thirty-one space artist residency (Rosy Simas Danse), a fellow of Intermedia Arts' Creative Community Leadership Institute, and part of the Mni'sota Rural-Urban Exchange.  

Points Of Light Music values curiosity and non-judgment, inclusion and respect, creativity and stillness, silence and sound, wildness and practice, justice and compassion, community and self-agency. 

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