- The Way Knows the Way (Lyndsey Scott)
- Do You Feel? Do You Heal? (Lu Aya Nephew, The Peace Poets + Deirdre Shabaaz)
- Put Your Roots Down (Molly Hartwell)
- Don’t numb to this (Abigail Bengson)
- You Are Safe Now* (Shireen Amini)
- Loosen, Loosen (Aly Halpert)
- Healing is Possible (Orion Johnstone)
* no online recording available. If you discover one, please let us know in the comments!
- About the Card Decks: Having a tangible tool to sit with and reflect our feelings back to us helps us slow down, process, and make space for emotional work and intentions we otherwise tend to ignore. In May we spread out the Rest Deck by Tricia Hersey and the Artist Grief Deck, made by hospice workers in the pandemic.
- Instruments we use:
- CajonTab by Louson Drum - Conie has a 12" CajonTab; Liz has one of the Pro series. Get to know a bit of the cajon's musical history here. Use Liz's affiliate link to get 10% off!
- Shruti Box, literally "sound" or "singing" in ancient Sankrit, replicates the sound of the Tambura, an East Asian Indian drone instrument. Part of the family of drone instruments that show up in many cultures, related to bagpipes and harmoniums. Conie's instrument is from Shrutibox.com run by Ron Kravitz of https://www.musicinthemoment.com/ in Philadelphia, PA.
Many thanks to Mni'sota Peacebuilding Leadership Institute for offering the amazing Strategies for Trauma Awareness & Resilience (STAR) training that Liz and Conie took in June 2023 and to being interested in partnering with us when we expressed interest in offering a hand-on offering. Please checkout their offerings and consider taking a webinar or the full training.
We're planning to make this session monthly because the work of Trauma Awareness and Resiliency is long and slow! The next Retrain Your Lizard Brain session will likely be Thursday, July 9, 2024; stay tuned for details on this blog as they unfold or sign up for the In-person Singing and/or the Good Trouble Songleaders newsletters
Keep singing and stay warm, hydrated and creative!
Love, Liz and Conie, a.k.a. Good Trouble