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*Oct 6*, Nov 3, Dec 1: Dances of Universal Peace in St. Paul

Please join Conie B and Adam Wolter for Sufi Dancing, a.k.a. the Dances of Universal Peace on the first Sunday of the month at the Twin Citi...

- Full Voice Coaching

What if you had a whole spice rack of sound within you?  What would you cook up, if there was
    ... more depth,
        ... more variety,
            ... more flexibility? 

Full Voice Coaching is for everybody.  If you use your voice to communicate with others, exploring and understanding the 5 basic elements (or spices or characters) of your voice will help you ...
  • be a dynamic and engaging public speaker
  • communicate with your hard of hearing loved one (without losing your voice)
  • be a compassionate and empathic supervisor
  • in many more parts of your life
Developed by Barbara McAfee, the Full Voice framework opened me up from a place of protection, uncertainty and dissatisfaction to a place of confidence, embodied presence, and living a fulfilled life.  In 2016 Barbara took me under her wing and mentored me to share the Full Voice framework with others.  I want to share it with you -- I trust amazing growth will happen within you too. 

I offer Full Voice coaching in groups sessions and individuals lessons. 
  • Open Group SessionsI offer open sessions from time to time.  Please see the calendar for the next open session and registration link.  Due to limited space, there is a cap on the number of participants.  Suggested donation is $10-20 per person per hour, though if you can afford more, pay more.  If money is a hardship, please talk to me about bartering or trading time or other services. 
  • Private Groups SessionsIf you have a group of friends, colleagues, or co-workers who'd like to explore the fullness of their voice, I'm happy to schedule a time to meet all of you.  We can work out a location that meets the needs of a noise friendly place.  This work is LOUD! Fees vary for the type of group, size, location, etc.  Please contact me with details for an estimate. 
  • Individual Lessons:  You may want to do more supportive, in-depth guided exploring with a particular goal in mind or just to see where it might take you.  
    • Fees:  An hour lesson is $50, though I'm willing to barter or trade.  Please make an offer.
    • Locations:  
      • During the pandemic, I am coaching over Zoom which works well for many.  
      • In the Twin Cities metro, I teach in two locations, in Highland Park of St. Paul and in Edina's Morningside neighborhood.  
    • Testimonials:  from Jenny, a Zoom client in Montana
Exploring these 5 spices in your voice may be the most powerful thing you can do with your body. I look forward to joining you on this expedition! 

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