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*Oct 6*, Nov 3, Dec 1: Dances of Universal Peace in St. Paul

Please join Conie B and Adam Wolter for Sufi Dancing, a.k.a. the Dances of Universal Peace on the first Sunday of the month at the Twin Citi...

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Have a Great Thanksgiving!

I've been smiling to myself a lot lately when I greet folks with "Have a Great Thanksgiving!"

At the risk of sharing the rationale of a joke and taking all the fun out of it, I'll tell you why...

Are these phrases familiar to you?

Leader: The Lord be with you.
All: And also with you.
L: Lift up your hearts
A: We lift them up to the Lord.
L: Let us give thanks to our God.
A: It is good and right to give our thanks and praise.

This conversation between pastor/priest/minister person and the congregation kicks off the section of a communion worship service (mass for Catholic and Anglican types) and is called the Great Thanksgiving.

It must be a worship geek thing to love the double meaning in saying that. Have a great feast! Have a great communion! Have a great shared community meal! Have a great time with family remembering the blessing of God's great abundance!

Have a Great Thanksgiving!)

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