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When it feels like the world is falling apart, when everything is literally on fire, singing in community together heals and centers us—we’r...

Monday, March 18, 2019

Experiment: Embodied Worship in Sound and Movement

You're invited to an experiment in worship!  

What:  An Experiment in Embodied Worship*
When:  Mon, March 25, 2019, 7 p.m.
Where:  St. Anne's Episcopal Church
             2035 Charlton Road, Sunfish Lake, MN (map below)

Let's breakdown what an Experiment in Embodied Worship is...

  • Experiment:  An event where ideas are tried to see if they fail or have stickiness.  A brave environment where data is collected about what is seen, heard, and felt, with purposes of deepening meaning and gaining wisdom
  • Embodied:  Being in touch with the sensations of the body as it makes vibrations in sound and movement, by itself and as it comes into consensual contact with other persons.  
  • Worship:  A time and place designed to gather folks peacefully to share similar intentions to love and be of service to others; to ask for support, to wonder why, and be in awe of the miracle of being alive.  A time for rituals to center ourselves, express ourselves, and to help us create meaning.
What you can expect:  
  • Someone to guide you through the experience, letting you know what you need to known, when you need to know it.
  • To learn songs that will be taught in the ancient practice of the aural tradition, i.e., paperlessly
  • To be invited to move with others, allowing yourself adaptations for self-care and comfort as needed
  • To be asked "What did you notice?" about your experience with open curiosity and not expectations of pleasing the guide.
  • To offer reflections (data) on what you saw, heard, or experienced at any given moment; to share observations of changes from the beginning, during the middle, and at the end. 
  • You may experience discomfort, anxiety, joy, peace, power, and everything in-between.  
  • Some folks will be barefoot and others will wear shoes.  
  • Seating will be available for those who would like to take in the experience from the center or on the perimeter.  

What to bring: 

  • Yourself and a friend or two (no limit)
  • An open and curious mindset and heart
  • A Water bottle

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