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*Oct 6*, Nov 3, Dec 1: Dances of Universal Peace in St. Paul

Please join Conie B and Adam Wolter for Sufi Dancing, a.k.a. the Dances of Universal Peace on the first Sunday of the month at the Twin Citi...

Friday, January 5, 2018

Apr 20-22: DUP Retreat: Dancing Our Life Purpose

Dancers, Save the Date!

What:  Dancing Our Life Purpose: A Dances of Universal Peace Retreat

Over the course of this weekend, we will immerse ourselves in the Dances of Universal Peace and the Elements of Earth, Fire, Water, and Air to clarify and energize our individual sense of Life Purpose.

Sessions will be curated by Morgan Rivers, Conie Borchardt, Heather Hayat Godsey, and Saleem Adam Wolter with assistance from dance leaders and musicians in the region. The Sunday morning Universal Worship service will be coordinated by Heather Hayat Godsey with support from cherags in the region.

When:  Friday evening, April 20-Sunday afternoon, April 22, 2018

The Dance Retreat begins on Friday evening with dinner at 5:30 p.m. and continues through lunch at Sunday noon. There will be dance sessions Friday evening, Saturday morning, afternoon, and evening. Sunday morning, the retreat will conclude with Universal Worship.

Where:  Newton Christian Conference Center,

5064 Lincoln Street, Newton, Iowa

The retreat location is the lovely Newton Christian Conference Center just outside of Newton, Iowa. A variety of onsite lodging is available between $29-82 per night and meal packages are available.

Early Bird Registration ($100) for the Full weekend is available until March 1, 2018, midnight. After this date, the Full Weekend is $125. Individual Day Registration is also available.

More Details and Online Registration at https://2018dsm-retreat.eventbrite.com

Contact Morgan@healingpartners.biz or kochmaryann2014@gmail.com with questions.

For Dance Leaders and Musicians

Come and offer your dances and your musical support for the Dances! Let us create these circles together!

We will gather a day earlier to find our attunements and then gather for an hour on Sunday afternoon to reflect on our shared experience. Your service in leading and playing music for the retreat is your registration fee. Room and board is your only financial commitment.

Dance Leaders and Musicians, please contact Conie@PointsOfLightMusic.net with questions. 

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