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*Oct 6*, Nov 3, Dec 1: Dances of Universal Peace in St. Paul

Please join Conie B and Adam Wolter for Sufi Dancing, a.k.a. the Dances of Universal Peace on the first Sunday of the month at the Twin Citi...

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Meet Morgan

Points of Light Music (PLM) invited each curator to answer some questions about the Dances and this retreat and we'll be doing a deeper introduction weekly. 

Here's Morgan, the second of four.  

PLM: Tell us about your relationship to the Dances. How and when did it begin? Is there a highlight experience you could share?

MR:  The Dances first “caught” me during a partner Dance that broke through my illusion of separateness. Since that moment of realizing “I am not alone”, the Dances have had my heart. (This was in 1990)

From my point of view, the Dances have a unique blend of practices (sacred phrase, music and meditative movement ~ in community) that offers the possibility of transformation and growth beyond anything we can do by ourselves.

As this latest blurb about a monthly circle says it:
“The Dances of Universal Peace create an atmosphere of Unity, where inner transformation can occur. People often come away feeling renewed, with a greater sense of peace and a stronger connection to community.”

PLM: This retreat is organized in an unusual fashion with you, Morgan, selecting emerging dance leaders to co-create the retreat around a theme and inviting other dance leaders and musicians to contribute to the vision. What excites you to participate in this retreat as one of the curators?

MR:  With the co-creation of the retreat by multiple leaders, I love the creativity that arises, the collaboration, the magic of how it all comes together out of chaos, how it’s something better than any of us could have created on our own, and ~ how it serves the Dancers ~ they love it!

PLM: Each curator has selected an element and will be holding intention and vision for it during the retreat. Which element have you selected and what are you looking forward to sharing?

MR: I will be curating the Earth Element session. I see the Elements as kinds of energy ~ some of which we are more familiar with than others. For example, Air is a spacious and creative energy, Fire is energetic and powerful and moves upward, Water is magnetic, flowing and moves downward, Earth is a solid, stable and generous kind of energy. Since Earth is not really my home base, at first I was intimidated but now am delighted to be curating this Element. It gives me an opportunity to develop the qualities of Earth in me and explore its many dimensions ~ especially: How do we experience Joy through the Earth Element?

PLM:  Morgan, tell us about your motivation to organize dances and retreats.  

Because of all of the above, I have become a devotee of the Dances. I believe in the unique power of the Dances as a path for spiritual growth and renewal. As I move into my golden years, the wish that they continue grows stronger. And so, part of my mission is to encourage the next generation of leaders and musicians.

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