- Comfort* (Heather Wilson)
- River Water Flows* (Earth Practice)
- Let Go and Move (words: Candance Butler/music: Velma Frye)
- One by One (Michael Stillwater)
- One Body (Ahlay Blakely)
- Holding Song (Ian Carrick)
- We breath together / Stop the occupation (adrienne maree brown) plus harmonies and Ceasefire refrain by Rise Choir Collective
- The Cure for the Pain (text inspired by Rumi; tune: Yam)
- It’s not yours to carry anymore* (Liz Digitale Anderson)
- PLZ PLZ Universal Soul (Lyndsey Scott)
- The Way Knows the Way (Lyndsey Scott)
Here are some of the Resources we promised to share:
- The World Wide Labyrinth Locator - an online resource to find labyrinths near you and around the world that are in public and private places.
- My Life on the Road by Gloria Steinem - Book recommended by Pauline.
- About the Card Decks: Having a tangible tool to sit with and reflect our feelings back to us helps us slow down, process, and make space for emotional work and intentions we otherwise tend to ignore. In April we spread out the Rest Deck by Tricia Hersey and the Earthcraft Oracle Deck (Hay House).
- Instruments we use:
- CajonTab by Louson Drum - Conie has a 12" CajonTab; Liz has one of the Pro series. Get to know a bit of the cajon's musical history here. Use Liz's affiliate link to get 10% off!
- Shruti Box, literally "sound" or "singing" in ancient Sankrit, replicates the sound of the Tambura, an East Asian Indian drone instrument. Part of the family of drone instruments that show up in many cultures, related to bagpipes and harmoniums. Conie's instrument is from Shrutibox.com run by Ron Kravitz of https://www.musicinthemoment.com/ in Philadelphia, PA.
Thank you to the crew who sang with us! The right people were there, tenderness, grit, and support were shared. Community was tended. This is part of the dream Liz and Conie are working towards!
And many apologies to you if you didn't hear about the location change until too late. We don't make a decision to change details of an event lightly and believe we made the right decision considering the wind and coolness.
Many thanks to Michael G for lending us the cozy Beautiful Studio for us!
Many thanks to Michael G for lending us the cozy Beautiful Studio for us!
It takes more than desire to keep this BIPOC song circle going. Your contributions, energetic, trades, and financial, a0re welcome and needed! If you missed the big blue-green tip jar, contributions can be sent through Paypal or Venmo or a check can be mailed to P.O. Box 11791, St. Paul, MN 55111.
The next BIPOC+Mixed Race Song Circle will be a special one! On Friday, May 10, 2024 we are directing everyone to join us in singing with guest songleader Shireen Amini, an amazing Puerto Rican-Iranian musician and non-binary human (she/her/elle). More details here for Friday night's song circle and Thursday night's Drum Song class! After that, we'll should be at the river on Friday, June 21, around the summer solstice! Stay tuned here or signup for the "Soul Songs BIPOC/Mixed Singing Space" list here.
Keep singing and stay warm, hydrated and creative!
Love, Liz and Conie, a.k.a. Good Trouble

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