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Monday, December 5, 2022

Setlist from Dec 4 Longing for Justice Song Circle

Here are the songs we sang at the Longing for Justice Song Circle at United Theological Seminary of the Twin Cities on Sunday afternoon, December 4, 2022:

  1. Healing is Possible (Orion Johnstone) - led by Doe
  2. Net of Remembrance (Ahlay Blakely) - led by Bridgette
  3. Come, Light of Lights* (words: trans from Celtic chant of Ceile De order/Tune: © 2006 Ruth Cunningham) - led by Conie
  4. When Times Are Hard/We Lead in Love (Liz Digitale Anderson) 
  5. Feisty Advent Song (Words: adapted from Luke 3:4 & 6 (layer 1); adapted from the Magnificat, Luke 1:51-52 (layer 2)/Tunes: Jacques Berthier © 1984, Les Presses de Taizé, GIA Publications, Inc., agent (layer 1); © 2022 Conie Borchardt (Layer 2)) 
  6. Organize, Organize, Organize (Words: Adapted by Charon Hribar & Liz Digitale Anderson/Tune: unknown***) - led by Liz
  7. Slowly Over Time** (Doe Hoyer) 
  8. Welcome to the Table** (Bridgette Weber)

* Click on the red View Attached Resources link for videos

** No online recordings currently available.  Will update if you find some!  Add it to the comments for this page.

*** Tunes & words get disconnected from their source credits easily.  We are dedicated to acknowledging who wrote the lyrics and tune and ask for your help in reuniting them when we can.  Drop us a line in the comments or via the Contact Us form, if you know something we don't know!

We are grateful to you for singing with us and to Tapestry Community of Song & United Theological Seminary for hosting us.

Bridgette and Doe are just starting these song and dinner gatherings.  If you'd like to get on the mailing list, send us a note via the Contact Us page and we'll forward it onto them!  

Stay warm, hydrated, and creative!

Love, Liz and Conie, a.k.a. Good Trouble

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