- Welcome to the table/zoom call/fire! (clb)
- I did not come here alone (The Peace Poets)
- Armor (Ahlay Blakely)
- The Water Song (Dorene Day) - sung by Peng
- Water (Lyndsey Scott)
- Risk More for Love (words: Casper ter Kuile; music: Liz Digitale Anderson)
- Redemption Song (Bob Marley) - led by Shari
- The Cure for the Pain (text inspired by Rumi; tune: Yam)
- The Way Knows the Way (Lyndsey Scott) - bandcamp version
- Put Your Roots Down (Molly Hartwell)
- This fire (Lawrence Cole)
- Healing is Possible (Orion Johnstone)
- When I rise (text: Wendell Berry; Music; Wendy Tuck) - led by Megan
- We shall be known (Karisha Longaker/MaMuse) - teaching tracks from The Bird Sings
- Hymn for the Russian Earth (Yuri Zaritsky and Eugene Friesen) - with Dances of Universal Peace dance
It takes more than desire to keep this BIPOC song circle going. Your contributions, energetic, trades, and financial, are welcome and needed! If you missed the big blue-green tip jar in the dark (lol), contributions can be sent through Paypal or Venmo or a check can be mailed to P.O. Box 11791, St. Paul, MN 55111.
We don't know when the next Songs in Our Bodies On this Land will be, but we're scheming and inviting you into that process. Reach out! Let us know if you have opinions for days/times of the week and/or location, inside or outside!
Keep singing and stay warm, hydrated and creative!
Love, Liz and Conie, a.k.a. Good Trouble

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